September - October 2011

Photos taken during October trip 2011

ABG Golfers support (3pics), David Borland’s photos (34pics)

ABG Golfers Support reportHeather Jeffery’s report, Draft School Mission statement

Heather Jeffery and Glenys Torbet returned from Tanzania on 29th October. Click here to see their report.
Heather also helped write a mission statement for the school - click here

Sophia passes IELTS exam:  Sophia you may recall is a girl who came to England straight after primary school (in Tanzania) at the age of 16yrs.  She studied a two year diploma course (equivalent to 3 ‘A’ levels) at Accrington and Rossendale College and obtained an overall grade ‘A’.  Whilst studying for the diploma Sophia also did extra English lessons and exams (obtaining level 2 English - equivalent to GCSE ) at College and also GCSE Maths at home (obtaining a grade ‘C’).  Blackburn College had accepted Sophia to do the BA(hons) course in Education.  However the UK border agency rules had changed since Sophia came to the UK two years ago and to renew her visa she now needed to take and pass at band 5.5 a 3 hour academic English test.  This was much more difficult than GCSE and Sophia only had a few weeks to prepare for it and took the exam at Wrexham on the 8th Oct.  We are so pleased to tell you that on Saturday 22nd Oct the results envelope was eagerly opened by Sophia to say she had passed with an overall score of band 6.  Sophia will now be able to apply for her visa.  Needless to say if Sophia had failed to obtain band 5.5 in every part - reading. writing, speaking and listening she would have had to return to Tanzania before her visa ran out at the end of November.
Why bother educating girls: Interesting article in the Daily Telegraph click here

Latest trip by David Borland our treasurer accompanied by Graham Earnshaw (team member) brought back both good and bad news - see below.

Present Trip: Heather Jeffery our UK team member who advises matters on education is presently in Tanzania (Oct 2011).  Together with her sister Glenys Torbet, Heather is assisting in the purchase of suitable text books and helping with timetables, teacher assessment and training.  Heather is a teacher with many valuable years experience.

ABG Golfers Visit: The management and children were so happy to welcome visitors from the BGM, ABG and BEAL groups who donated 3,630,00 Tsh together with footballs and biscuits.  Their generosity was inspired by our ex Bethany girl Rehema Hamadi who works as a teacher at Bulyanhulu International Primary school. Please read a full report here.  We are presently deciding the best way of spending this windfall but it likely to be spent on educational materials to improve the chances of our children obtaining jobs when they leave.

New Boys dormitory: On the 20th October 2011 work has started on the footings of one of the new boys dormitories. In our next report we should have some photos.

Children’s rights:  You will recall our campaign to persuade the Social Welfare in Tanzania to allow three of our older girls to come to the UK to attend College.  You may also recall with sadness their refusal.  I remember the words of Mahatma Ghandi:

"A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members."
Our campaign is ongoing and I am sure that in the fullness of time things will change Nevertheless we would not be needed in Tanzania if we lived in a just compassionate and fair society.  Our campaign continues, no longer for the benefit of our three girls but for any other underprivileged children who may be offered further education outside the borders of Tanzania.

For details of our campaign click here.  We will keep you informed if progress is made hopefully within my lifetime!

Senior staff changes: On this latest visit Daniel shared with David Borland (Treasurer) some of the usual problems encountered in Tanzania and as a result some of our senior members of staff are no longer with us or have been demoted.  We have some very good dedicated staff but also in among the mix have been those who thought nothing of stealing food from the kitchen, clothes from the children, and presenting receipts for payment for goods they had not purchased etc etc.  I sometimes wonder how much more progress we would have made if more of our staff had shown the same dedication as the majority.   
GCSE Results 25/08/2011
The girls studying in the UK on Diploma courses and Degree courses also take GCSE courses in other subjects to broaden their knowledge base. (GCSE’s are equivalent or higher than Tanzanian ‘0’ levels)
Higher Maths Jesca James Paulo ‘A’ (over 80%)
Emmakulatha Robert Bujiku ‘B’ (over 70%)
GCSE Religious Education:
Jesca James Paulo ‘A* ‘(90% and 96%) two papers
Emmakulatha Robert Bujiku ‘A*’ (90% and 97%) two papers
GCSE Foundation Maths (highest grade attainable C )
Fatuma Abed Mfaume Grade ‘C’
Sophia Helman Joseph Grade ‘C’
Thanks to our unpaid volunteer teachers who came every week come rain or shine
R.E Teacher Joan McIvor,  Maths Teacher Marion Cullen
Bethany School: Our children are doing really well and working very hard.  Fatuma and Minza having received 2 years education in the UK are now back in Tanzania teaching their younger brothers and sisters at Bethany.  We are very proud of them.  Many of the original teaching staff have moved on or been replaced.
Students in England:
Our three young women are all working hard as usual. All three (Emma, Jesca and Sophia) are studying for their BA in Education, Emma and Jesca in their 2nd year and Sophia in her 1st year.  We are very fortunate to have a new volunteer teacher Mrs K Pugh who comes every week to teach our girls GCSE History which they are very enthusiastic about.  Both Jesca and Emma are also doing a 120 hour online advanced TEFL course (Teach English as a Foreign Language) as well as learning to drive.

Prospective UK Students: Our three girls Rehema, Deborah and Mpelwa are still in Tanzania (due to the refusal of the Tanzania Social Welfare to allow them to come to the UK to study).  Rehema  has now finished her secondary education at Sogeska school and is predicted a Division 4 result (very poor).  Rehema now 18yrs is presently helping Minza and Fatuma with teaching the younger ones at Bethany.  Deborah form 2 and Mpelwa form3 are still at secondary school.  By the end of March next year (2012) the girls will all be over 18yrs of age and will therefore have reached the age of majority.  We hope to help them further at this time.

Teaching of English and now Maths: It is now possible to communicate with all the children at Bethany in English.  This makes life so much easier and opens up other possibilities.  One of the problem areas in Tanzania is the teaching of Maths especially for girls.  For example, Rehema got 3% in Maths and Mpelwa 2%.  They need your help.  From the video (messages) you will see the children’s English needs to improve and again you can help.
If you are interested in helping with the teaching of English or Maths at Bethany please email me.

Training for older children :  We have 8 children on various training courses

Secondary school children:  We have 20 children attending secondary school (8 girls and 12 boys).  Three of our boys are in form 4 and have now finished their final exams.  They are Hamza, Elijah and Nyamarige.  Hamza is predicted a division one result, Elijah division 2 and Nyamarige a division 3.  It may be that all three pass to go onto high school when their results are published in January 2012.  Our only other student to pass with a division 3 was Emmakulatha Bujiku (now studying in the UK).

Half Way House: No progress at present

Other Improvements/Refurbishments: The refurbishment of the girls dormitory is now nearly completed

The Future: We find the greatest problem in Tanzania is the shortage of good, committed, dedicated, well trained teachers (as well as many other things). We feel that many of our children could fulfill that roll and with the benefit of the girls receiving higher education in the UK we see no reason why in the future we could not provide secondary and high school education followed one day by a teacher training college. Our girls returning from the UK having completed their 2 yr diploma course and are prepared to teach at Bethany for 12 moths for a small living allowance and then after that receive the full teachers salary (actually less than governments schools).  Our three girls on the degree course have offered to teach for two years on the same basis.  This is all very encouraging and if we had the funds we could slowly grow our numbers up to a maximum of say 300 children providing on site education right through to qualified teacher status with a special emphasis on English and Maths. All we need are the volunteers and the finance!
New vehicle:
We already have an amount of money set aside for this but still need about
£12,000 to buy a new Toyota pickup truck.

Finance: Now that we have undertaken the education of our children on site our monthly estimate for each child has risen by about £10 per month - making a total of £50 per month.


Sponsorship - Finance: As ever - finance is an ongoing concern.  For those still considering sponsoring or co-sponsoring please see our list of names for sponsorship. Click here
To learn more about sponsorship we have produced a 4 page Question and Answer sheet (click here).

Money boxes: As you can see our total collected from the money boxes is over £11,638.01p as of 01/12/2010.  If you need a new tin or to hand in a full one please email or bring along to the monthly meetings

Satellite Internet:  No further news. Still too expensive

UK team: Please visit the home page for a link to details of our UK team members.

Tanzania team changes: Please visit the home page for a link to details of our Tanzanian team.


And Finally:  Thank you so much for being interested enough in our work to be reading this. Even more if by your donation you have made this work possible.

N.B. (Please note that this web site is accessible world wide and so we are very careful to only publish the bare facts as truthfully as possible. There are often circumstances upon which decisions have been made which we feel unable to publish. Please contact us directly if you need to know more)


Support/Sponsorship Click here

PHOTOS Taken July 2011 (over 1,000 pics)

Walk to the ‘Beach’ (68 pics),  Work (29 pics),  Child-Care Seminar (87 pics),

Dining room, Kitchen and Store (41 pics),  Sunday Service (8 pics),
Basic Child-Care Secondary School Children (38 pics),  Gill & Jonathon’s Photos (61 pics)

Elementary Child-Care Std 6 Children (24 pics),  Laura’s Photos (152 pics)
Rounders ‘Reunion Weekend’ (28 pics),  Football (40 pics), Netball (78 pics),

Reunion Weekend (144 pics),  Reunion ‘Tug of War’ (29 pics),  Parachute (20 pics),

Morning Assembly (20 pics),  Bethany Care-workers Child-Care seminar (67 pics),

Teachers with Classes (42 pics),  Group and Individuals (121 pics),  Individuals (99 pics),

Groups of children (54 pics),  Volunteers (32 pics),  Letters (44 pics), More Letters (27 pics)

Other Reports - facts and figures:

Jonathon’s report, Gill’s Report,  Laura’s report,  Summer SchoolReunion weekendSeminars
Childcare results; Bethany care-workersSecondary girlsStd 6 Girls

Photos taken April - May 2011 (over 400)

New Children (4 pics),  Letters (94 pics), Meal Time (52 pics),
Netball  (111 pics),  Football (61 pics),  Work (42 pics),  Play (21 pics),
Individuals (33 pics),  Groups (13 pics),  Sunrise/set (24 pics),

Girls Dormitory Refurbishment (17 Pics), Crops  (7 pics)

Exam Results: Secondary School,
Primary School,  Class 6,  Class 5,  Class 4,  Class 3,  Class 2,  Class 1.

January Photos 2011 (over 600)

Pre-school children (14 pics),  Standard 1 children (11pics),  Standard 2 children (12 pics)

Standard 3 children (17 pics), Standard 4 children (11 pics), Standard 5 chidren (16 pics)

Standard 6 children (16 pics).
Secondary Form 1 children (15 pics),  Secondary Form 2 children (9 pics)
Secondary Form 3 children (4 pics),  Secondary Form 4 children (6 pics)
Older boys in training (3 pics), Students in the UK (  pics),  School Assembly (11 pics)
Staff (32 pics),  Family (32 pics), Letters received (125 pics), Choir (54 pics),
Play (25 pics),   Individuals (57 pics),  Groups (30 pics),  Work (61 pics),
Views of Bethany (33 pics),  Sunrise/set (41 pics), Birds (13 pics), Thumb-nails (27 pics)
David’s report Full list of children’s whereabouts
Photos from August trip 2010
(over 200)

Karen’s pics (32),  Charlotte’s Pics (61),  Emily’s pics (31)
Sophie’s pics (138),  General pics (18)
Reports & email
Carole’s email,  Hollie’s report,  Jade’s reportKaren’s report

Photos from July trip 2010 (over 600)

Panorama views of site (3 pics), 4 New Children (8 pics), Bubble Blowers (35pics)
Forever Angels trainees (6pics),  Choir Practice (84pics),  Debates  (12pics),

China’s temporary teaching job (13 pics),  Education (96 pics),  Food (72 pics),
  Play (94 pics),  Exams (13 pics),  Teachers (5 pics),  Serengeti (23 pics),
Letters received (84 pics),  Groups (25 pics),  Views (75 pics),  Sunrise/set (28pics),
New Bell & Clock (3 pics),  Individuals (31 pics),  Work (12 pics)

English test papers and results,  Timetable

Photos from the May Trip 2010

Photos by David (43pics), Photos by John B. (109 pics),
Sunrise/sunset by John B. (15pics)
Photo’s from March 2010 trip (over 500 pics)

New girl (1pic),  Wood burning stoves (11pics),  New Baby Joseph for Daniel and Eliada (6pics),

Letters received (68pics),  Choir practice  (29pics),  Views (15pics),  Old Kitchen (22pics),

Vibanda (African summer houses) (35pics),  Working the land (41pics),  Food (64pics),

Work (21pics),   English Exam (22pics),  New Teacher (9pics),
Forever Angels - Trainees (15pics),  Groups (35pics),  Individuals (50pics), 

Sunrise-set/clouds (75pics),  New dining room, kitchen etc. (25pics),

Playground progress (54pics)

English Exam results
Photo’s from January 2010 trip

Dining room and kitchen progress (14pics),  Playground progress (9 pics),

Children (16pics),  Unclassified (12pics)

November - December 2009 Trip Photos

Letters received (63 pics),  Individual children (25pics), Choir (47pics),
Food ( 35pics),  Portraits (99pics),  Letter writing (32pics),  Shamba work (78pics),

Playground  (59pics),  Groups (26pics),  More letters!  (67pics),

Dave and Vicky’s pics (87pics)

 9 New Videos (on You tube)

July - August 2009 Trip photos

Photos by various members of the CGM (Central Gospel Mission, Nelson)

Click here

Reports by members of the trip:

Rachel Adamson,  Education Report,  Reflections of Tanzania, 

July 2009 Trip (Over 400 Photos and 8 video clips))
New Mossy Nets (3 pics),  Just children (72 pics),  Serengeti (16 pics),  Agriculture  (16 pics),

Letters (48 pics),  Sunrise/set (25 pics),  Choir to England (31 pics),  Chores (13 pics),

Children Playing (33 pics),  Tracy’s pics (75 pics),   New Kitchen / Dining room  (7 pics),

Emily and Tracy with classes (4 pics),  Tanesco Electricity (4 pics),
  China, Emma and Jesca’s pictures (107 pics), Dave’s pics (107 pics)

Video Clips (via Youtube)
Click here for David Borland’s report June 2009
Click here
for Paul and Rebecca’s report May 2009

March 2009 Trip (Over 500 Photos)
March best pics (19pics),  Video update March (1 video 9mins),  Karen’s (72 pics),

Dave’s (94 pics),  Power & Water (22pics),  Calf (5pics), New Girls (2pics),

Letters (54pics),  Older Girls (3pics),  Older Boys (12pics),  Children in standards (9pics),

 Sophia, Minza and Fatuma (6 pics),  Building work Video (1 video),  John Brindle’s (44pics),
Views (22pics),  Bethany staff (2pics),  Sunrise-set (16pics),  Just children (21pics),

Choir practice (100pics),  Food (19pics),  Chores (18pics),  Learning (13pics)

Video Clips (via google picasa web album)

January 2009 Trip (Over 650 Photos)
Best Photos (26pics),  Jemma’s photos (109pics),  Karen’s photos (51pics),
Letters Received (16pics),  Temporary Dining room (21pics),  Choir (31pics)

Prospective UK students (3pics),  Local Village School (13pics),  Classrooms (7pics),
New Dining Room and Kitchen (12pics),  Rain water harvesting (7pics),  For Training (13pics),
Fun and Games (44pics),  Individual Children  (33pics),   Chores (56pics),
Groups (22pics),  Eva and Rehema (17pics),  First day at School (22pics),
Funny faces (4pics),  Baptisms (109pics), Sunrise-set (42pics)

Video Clips (via google picasa web album)

November Trip (Over 1,700 Photos)
Selection (39pics), Houses around Bethany (39pics), Cow (6pics), Farming (22pics)
Staff/workers (19pics), Meal Time (15pics),  Cooking-Food (36pics), Volunteers (13pics)
Prospective UK Students (4pics),  Children and ex-children (533pics), Karen’s photos (128pics)
Football - boys versus girls (88pics), Letters received (47pics),  Sunrise/set (55pics)
 Girls Netball/football (50pics),  Choir Practice (41pics),  Chores (109pics)
Play (59pics),  Building progress (59pics),  Wildlife (15pics),  Views (29pics)
Teaching (21pics),  Hired Tractor (19pics),  Groups (39pics),  Individuals (49pics)
Jemma’s photos (80pics),  Dave and Vicky’s photos (114pics), UK Students (5pics)

Extract from a letter from a teacher at a supporting school

August Trip Photos (108 assorted pics), Festival of Song (38pics)
Students in England (19pics),  Bethany students visit Hollins School (7pics)

November Trip.

Dave, Vicky and Karen (32pics),  Children (42pics),  Bethany Leavers (6pics),
Growing things (25pics),  Building work (27pics)
Photos from the July 2008 trip (over 300)

Parachute Fun (11pics), Serengeti trip (25pics), Jesca’s village (38pics),
Various (10pics), Letters (48pics),  Eva’s boys (12pics),  Returned students (2pics),
Chores (33pics),  Prospective students (7pics),  Individual children (15pics),

 Choir Practice (34pics),  Groups (22pics),  Volunteer teachers (12pics),
Volunteers (36pics)

Photos taken during the April - May trip 2008 (over 400)

Chores (64pics),  Hippings School (6pics),  Letters (51pics),  Computers (10pics),
Assembly and Presentations (12pics),  Choir Practice (109pics),  Building work (30pics),

Volunteers (83pics), Girls at Forever Angels (2pics),  Games (6pics), Groups (27 pics),

Individual Children (69pics), New girls (6pics)

Photos taken during the January -February trip (over 500)

Agriculture (54 pics),  Dairy Cows (37 pics),  Toddlers Dorms -refurbishment (39 pics),

UV Filter (8 pics),  Small solar water heater tower (78 pics),

Large solar water heater tower (92 pics), Groups of Children ( 40pics ), Sunday Service (26pics),

Individual Children (99pics),   Boys Portrait Pics ( 61pics),  Girls Portrait Pics (62pics),

Standard 1 Children (9pics),  Swinging Fun ( 20pics),  January trip volunteers (38pics),

Letters received (31pics), Danger children at work ( 81pics),  Views around the site (22pics),

Sunrise-sets (40 pics),  David’s Pictures (69pics), Eliada and Daniel’s new baby (4 pics),
(Captions with names of children have been added by Eva, Jesca and Rehema)

Extract from ‘Amy’s News’ from the Forever Angels web -site

Photos from the September trip 2007  (over 500)

Mwanza Lion’s visit ( 3pics), David’s Pics ( 30pics), New Manager’s house (14pics)

Around the site (12pics), Beans and Rice! ( 16pics), Old Boys dorm (17pics),

Tint Tots dorm (13pics), Letter writing ( 28pics), Local school bore-hole (4pics)

At Play ( 19pics), Agriculture (23pics), New Multi-purpose building (16pics),

Education ( 6pics), Letters received ( 85pics), Groups of children (26pics)

 Singing and Dancing ( 62pics), Individual children (81pics), Chores (59pics)

 Ian Redfearn (15pics),   Sunrise/sets (34pics), Best Photo’s (36pics)

Report: by Ian Redfearn

Latest News September 2007: Our 8 students have now just finished their first day at Accrington and Rossendale College. Here are the latest pictures:
Welcome for Students at Accrington and Rossendale College (65pics)

Day out to Lord’s House Farm (30 pics)

A walk in the countryside (72 pics)


Photo’s from the July-August trips: (over 600pics)

Mkula Orphanage (3pics),  Letter writing (43pics),  Rounders (36pics),

Letter received (44pics),  Skipping (23pics),  Play (21pics),  Football (8pics),

Crop growing (38pics),  Groups of children (36pics),  Lessons (13pics)  Chores (64pics),
New Children (9pics),  Individual Children (71pics), Singing Practice (45pics),

Building progress (26pics),  Visitors (52pics),  Views (39pics),  Thumbnails (40pics),
Minibus  (9pics), Accrington College students (8pics)

Photos from the May trip (800+)

New wedge-wood Shoes (16 pics),  New children (11 pics),  New bike (12 pics),
Volunteer joiners (120 pics),  Chores (28 pics),  Building work progress (29 pics),
Letters received (16 pics),  Lessons (77 pics),  Games (15pics),  Play (25 pics),

Singing practice (126 pics), Groups of children (45 pics),  Individual children (65 pics),
May visitors (65 pics),  Village school (38 pics), Views (120 pics),

Last day at Bethany - all children with work done (67 pics)

Reports from May trip:

Report by John Brindle and Pat Bridge,  Report by Victoria Delaney,

Education facilities (as of May 2007),
Photos from the April trip (52):  Assorted (52 pics)
Report from April Trip:
by Heather Jeffery

Pictures from the March 2007 Trip (over 500)

Maize harvest (40 pics), New Children (8 pics), Letters received ( 51 pics),
Letter writing (17 pics),  Individual children (50 pics), New multipurpose block (29 pics),
New volunteers accommodation (22 pics), Choir (58 pics), Children playing (20 pics),
Children at Work (24 pics), Food! (22 pics), Groups of children (22 pics),
Jemma and Roy (25 pics), Jemma’s (51 pics), Roy’s (66 pics),

Sky (47 pics)

Photos taken on the January 2007 trip (over 300)

Portrait Pics of girls (57pics),  Portrait Pics of Boys (49pics), New Children (3pics)

Children at work (47pics),  Groups Children (36pics), Individual Children (48pics)

Letters log-book (4pics), Accy College Students (8pics),  New Exercise books (13pics)

Sunrise-sets (152 pics)

Photos taken before, during and after
the children’s visit to the UK
(Sept 21st  - Nov 6th)  (many)
Thumb nail pics (27pics), Manchester Science Museum (47pics), Letters received (75pics)
Nyangeta’s new leg (6pics), Baby Ruth (22pics), Forever Angels (1 pic), 
Groups of children (43 pics), Singing Practice (73 pics),  Blackpool Zoo (142 pics),
Asda Accrington (9 pics), Fire Station - Accrington (50 pics), Ger-Hana (47pics)
Blackburn Rovers (24 pics), Gifts from America (7 pics), October 20th (36 pics),
Accrington College awards (15 pics), Bethany Hillside Nursery (19 pics),
Paul and Rebecca’s wedding (66 pics), September 28th (25 pics), Trutex Boxes arrive (4 pics)
St. Thomas’s Centre (43 pics), An English Playground (10 pics), Schools Work (92 pics)
B&Q visit (14pics), Ripon Cathedral (9pics), Central Gospel Mission, Nelson (27pics),
Local Primary School Tanz. (23 pics), Jemma’s Pics (23pics)
Children at work (32 pics), At Play - Tanz (14pics) Individual children (101 pics),
Water carrying (20 pics), Hapiness (2 pics), Manchester and Doha Airports (13 pics)
Arrival - Bethany (17 pics), Nairobi Airport 4hour wait (27 pics), Trampoline (18pics),
York visit (19pics)

Video footage:

Accrington College presentation (2.28mins - 28meg)

Photos taken on the July - August trip (over 800)

New outfits for the Bethany Choir (34pics), Doing the chores (16pics), Line dancing! (96pics)

English Lessons (34pics), Skipping and Games (25pics), Groups of Children (14pics)

Individual children (56pics), Donated percussion Instruments (9pics), Letters received (46pics)

Letters sent (3pics), Letter writing (67pics), New children (12pics), Return trip (52pics)

Singing practice (137pics), Sunrise - sunsets (70pics), Donated towels & clothes (11pics)

Trip -outbound (38pics), Views from the water tank (14pics), Visiting Teams (70pics)

Wildlife (20pics)

REPORTS by visiting group members:  Cathy Riley, Rebecca Dyer, Karen Ross,

Photos taken on the July trip:

Letters received, (53pics), General interest (24pics)

Photos taken on the June-July Trip (over 750)

Dave at work (11pics),  Amy Tew (15 pics),  New girl - Pendo (4pics)

Building work (30pics),  Rhona and Stanley Burns (12pics), English Exams (32pics)

Stanley and Rhona’s photos (63pics),  July Volunteer’s children (17pics),

Children working (21pics),  Children Playing (29pics) Individual Children (79pics),

Groups children  (16pics), Waiting for the bus (38pics), Sleepinn arrival (50pics),

 Sleepinn breakfast (24pics), Children with passports group A (12pics),

Children with passports group B (11pics),  Children with passports group C (11pics),

Bus depot -1 (28pics), Bus depot -2 (20pics),  Children and chips (17pics),

Letters received (43pics), Letter writing (33pics),  Satellite Dish (11pics)
Children practicing dance and singing (95pics), Sunrise (34pics)


click here to download (low qualilty),  click here to download (medium qualilty)


Photos from the April trip (over 550 photos)

New Children (13pics), Children at work (31pics), ‘100th Child’ party (50pics)

Building work-new classrooms etc. (28pics),  Letters received (34pics),

Letter writing (12pics), Joinery work (50pics), Plumbing work (26pics),
Teaching the children (English) (17pics), Children’s tooth care (9pics), Play (27pics),
Games (14pics),  New seesaw (21pics), Singers (30pics), Visiting team (43pics),
Sponsored children (28pics), Groups of children (35pics),  Individual children (50pics),

Members of the July Trip (4pics),  Sunrise/sets (29pics)
Reports on the trip by: John Brindle, Wendy Whitaker
and from a previous trip July 2005 by Gary Nolan

Photos from the March Trip (over 360) click on the various headings

Airport (15pics), Building work (29pics), Famine relief (8pics), Food! (37pics),
Groups of children (57pics), Individual children (88pics), Letters received (35pics),
Letter writing (25pics), Melissa (7pics), New children (22pics), Sunrise/sets (46pics)
Children working the land (22pics)

Photos from the January 2006 Trip (over 300) click on the various headings

New children (8pics), The visiting team (65pics), Villagers (105pics)

Inividual children (108pics), Groups of children (19pics), Activities (9pics)

Dining room (17pics), Singing (45pics), Awards (9pics), Letters (70pics)


Return to past news page

Click on pictures to enlarge


For ten years of past news reports  click here

DSC_0722 -v2



Dennis a Baxenden scout?


Gill and Laura volunteers


Sheila helped with the washing


Minza in her new teaching job


Eliada shows how it’s done!

 - YouTube -
 May 2011 Videos
Secondary School messages
Class 6 messages
Class 5 messages
Class 4 messages
Class 3 messages
Class 2 messages

January 2011 Videos
Update by Daniel and Eliada
Blessed Assurance
Swahili song and dance

Sept - Nov 2009
Click here

We have  joined ‘JUSTGIVING’
which should be a great help for those thinking of raising money through sponsored events
(e.g. Marathons etc.)
Click here for more information

 89 children still need

Here are some of them
Click here to go to our sponsorship page

 - YouTube -
Link to all 70+
video clip
January 2011 Videos
Update by Daniel and Eliada
Swahili songSukiyaki
December 2009
Lean on me
Love, love changes everything
Love, love .... fun song
Dance 1Dance 2


Choir introductions
Aims and Objectives
Zim bam bu
Come now is the time
to worshp

How Great thou art
I close my eyes
Joyful Joyful
I am not forgotten
March 2009
New Video clips
Dave’s and Vicky’s update
Walk round Bethany (1-4)
Building Work
We are marching - HD
Mariam & friends sing
Maize Harvest
Video Jan. 2009
Message from
Eva and Rehema

Video Nov 2008

Bethany intro 4mins
Videos added Nov 2008
I have decided to follow
Sukuma tribal wedding song
Gateway Ch. York visit 2004
Medley of songs for visit 2006
Whim away-Lion sleeps tonight

Video July  2008
Visitor’s Choir - John3:16
Visitor’s choir- Thank you
Bethany choir song
Parachute fun
Soon and very soon
Oh be careful little eyes
Kum Ba Yah
Video May 2008
Sunday Service song

Our God is an awesome God

Sunday Service fun time
Eva Joseph teaching
How great thou art
It would be really helpful if supporters would rate and comment on the videos via Youtube

Countries wealth compared
For every £7 the Tanzanian government has to spend (GDP) (2006)on each person these are the figures for comparison







South Africa


United Kingdom


As you can see both Kenya and Uganda have nearly twice as much money to spend per person as Tanzania whilst the South African government has 17 times the amount to spend on it’s people.
The UK government has 44 times the amount to spend per person.
Click here to see  the source of these figures.


Click here to download MP3
‘Our God is an awesome God’

Click here to download Video
‘Our God is an awesome God’

Click here for short
Video tour of the new dorm

dorm 2000202

Below are listed the videoed songs in WMV format.
Even though each one lasts no more than a few minutes they are large files and may take several minutes to download
(especially if you only have a dial-up modem).
Click on the title to download

Blessed Assurance

The lion sleeps tonight

Any dream will do (Joseph’s - dreamcoat)

I the Lord of sea and Sky

My Jesus my Saviour

Lord I lift your name on high