Teachers: Joan McIvor (Qualified teacher)
Qualifications: BA (hons)

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Teacher’s Report

Students:  Nkamba

Nkamba has progressed well while staying in England. She is a good student and works extremely hard. The subjects we have covered are English, Mathematics, Science and Geography.

In English we have looked at grammar - in particular, punctuation, the tenses, sentence building, adjectives, verbs and vocabulary building. We have also looked at the tricky verb rules for example ‘ed’ and ‘ing’, to understand prepositions and various different spellings. Nkamba is very keen to get them right. We have also ‘brushed-up’ on our letter writing and how to write persuasively.

We have also embarked upon a reading programme;-

 ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens.

‘Black Beauty’ by Anna Sewell.

‘Papa Panov’s Special day’ adapted by Leo Tolstoy.

The adventures of Robin Hood’ and ‘Peter Pan’

Plus various searches through encyclopaedias , dictionaries and reference books.


In Science we have studied the process of living things;-

 The life cycle of a plant,

The life cycle of a frog,

The life cycle of a butterfly,

The life cycle of a cockroach,

The life cycle of a mosquito.

The life cycle of a chicken.


We have studied the environment and how mankind can adapt and live anywhere, and how animals adapt to their surroundings – which led onto a study of habitats – and the food chain.

We have looked at the circulatory system and how the heart works.

We are also looking at how an ear works, how an eye works and how a tongue works. From there we have looked at infectious diseases like Malaria and HIV

Furthermore we have looked at how machines work, for example, the sewing machine and the bicycle and had a practical lesson in using the mobile phone.

In Maths we have been revising multiplication tables , division and their derivatives. To understand the concept of a remainder, how to express it as a fraction, and ‘rounding’ up and down.

In  Geography we have been increasing our knowledge of the world around us through map work. We learned about the British Isles and how it is made up of various countries – England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Nkamba was able to inform me about Tanzania, and she explained the ‘coat of arms’ for Tanzania most thoroughly.  We were also able to look at the water cycle within the weather system.

Nakamba is very proud of her country and she has an ambition to be a qualified teacher. She works very hard at her studies and I believe she will make a very good teacher.