The Bethany Project,(Children’s home)
Yitwimila Village, Magu District, Mwanza Region, Tanzania. East Africa. SO 8059.
UK Charity 517995 (NET).
Web site;

Correspondence to: Mr. Graham Pountain
(Bethany Project Co-ordinator), 2 Aspen Fold
Oswaldtwistle, Accrington, Lancs. BB5 4PH
Tel: 01254 879694. Email:

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Choir trip to the UK by 20 children of the Bethany Family (Orphans of Tanzania) to bring an awareness of the vision of Bethany. As before, only this time much better, they will present life in Tanzania, East Africa through their singing, dancing, dramas and talking about their own lives and the everyday life of their peers in one of the poorest (mud hut) villages in Africa.
7 week visit proposed 20th September to 10th November 2009

Date: Sept. 2009

Dear Supporter,

This letter is to let you know of the choir’s forthcoming visit as it will be an opportunity to meet some of the children you are supporting.  Please find the enclosed flyer about the visit and visit our web site for more details where a day by day programme is viewable (excel format) and updated regularly.

The children will be divided into two groups during the day time so that they can visit as many schools, colleges and other organisations as possible. Each group (of ten children) will be accompanied by a Tanzanian teacher / interpreter and a UK person.  (There is no charge for a visit from our choir – although a donation towards our work is always gratefully received)
For schools the visit can vary from a short assembly with singing, dancing and short talk (5mins) including Q.& A. to visiting classes for more detailed discussion about the different cultures etc. They are available any day of the week.

Churches / other groups - organisations. We are happy to visit church groups and other organisations (Rotary, Lions, Scouts, Guides, Youth groups, Men’s/Women’s groups) in the evenings. Sadly Sunday morning services are already fully booked.

About their last visits: The first trip was made by the Bethany Family children back in March 2004 and again in Sept 2006 and it had a big impact on many of the people and children they visited. Typical emails received from pupils/staff the Bethany children visited were: “I have recently enjoyed an experience with 11 members of the Tanzania Bethany Family. Hearing about their past lives made me realise that what I have, I take for granted”. and “I work with young people in England full time and it amazes me at how different children from other less fortunate backgrounds are.” and “Hello. Thank you for coming to our school, the whole school loved your singing and dancing and we feel very inspired by your inspiration and lovely smiles all day long.”

Here are some of the benefits a visit from the children might bring:

Benefits for UK children / people they visit:
Opportunity to see first hand, African children who will visit in national costume (girls wearing kangas etc). To hear them perform a presentation of life in Africa together with dynamic singing, dancing and personal stories about how they came to be at Bethany and their new lives. To gain an insight as they hear about the life of children who live in our local village.

The fact that most of the children live without many of the material possessions owned by children in the West (toys, books, TV’s, computers etc) but they often appear happier than their counterparts in the West. The difficulties, the climate, hopes and aspirations etc. Opportunity for questions and answers. How things might change!!!

Benefits for the Bethany children:

To be able to learn the English language from the foremost English speaking nation. To make new friends, practising spoken English, experience a different educational system. To be able to experience at first hand a different culture. The opportunity to present ‘life in Tanzania’ To be part of an organisation making the first world aware of the problems of children in the third world in Africa and showing what can be achieved (here to prove how successful that has been). We hope that they will be encouraged in their schools work when they see a different way of learning! 

Experience a discipline without corporal punishment. To see that happiness and contentment is not always achieved through material possessions (as observed).

N.B. Money donated to Bethany has not been used to finance this trip - funds for this trip have been donated separately.