Ramadhani Wambura 11-11-2008 09-58-16 2000x300803

Bethany Children

First name


Family name


Date of birth


Joined Bethany

August 2008



Favourite Colour


Favourite Food

Rice and meat

Favourite Drink


Favourite Subject


Best Friends


Favourite pastime




Family History:  See below

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Picture taken - November 2008
Height: 110cm  Weight: 15kg

Family History:
Ramadhani has got two sisters and one brother at Bethany called Pendo, Paulina and Daudi but also he has got a brother called Joseph back home. They share the mother but different fathers
How he came to Bethany: hisfour siblings’ father died in 2000. their  mother did not take any responsibility as a mother to look after them as she wondered in the streets leaving the children dying. An organization called Jipe moyo which is situated in Mara region was contacted by good Samaritans and they accepted that they could look after the two boys Daudi and Joseph but did not have room for girls so they contacted Bethany where his two sisters (Ghati-Pendo and Paulina) were accepted.
Things did not work out well at Jipe moyo as it fell apart and so Daudi and his brother had no where to go until a padre called Pendo met these two boys sat down, hungry and with no hope and future! This padre is running an Organisation called “Mji wa Huruma” – A city of mercy which really cares about very old people. The padre spoke to the two boys whether they had any family or relatives so they explained to him about their mother, and sisters and it is where they mentioned to him about Bethany. Fortunately enough they had Daniel Bujiku’s phone number which had been given to them by their sister Pendo so they gave it to the padre who rang Daniel to ask if he can consider taking the boys as well because from what he saw it was really very sad for the boys. Daniel sent a member of staff Mr. Yonah Jackson who went to meet the boys and investigated where the mother was. Terribly enough, Mr. Yona was able to meet these children’s mother who was really dying and she had other two children whom she had with a different man who was not prepared to look after `them and that is Ramadhani and Consolata who also were dying in the house: no food, no medicine, nothing really just waiting to die. Mr. Yona contacted the village officials to find out more about the situation and he was pleaded by the village leaders if he knew anywhere these children could be rescued otherwise they would die of hunger, etc. Mr. Yona rang Mr. Bujiku to check if he can bring to Bethany Daudi and the two little children – Ramadhani was one of them and leaving Joseph to look after his mother because he seemed mature and sensible. Mr. Bujiku approved it and so Mr. Yona asked the village leader to write a letter to Bethany about the three children: Daudi Consolanta and Ramadhani and with the mother’s approval, that how Ramadhani came to Bethany came to Bethany. He is lovely boy and is coping ok with the Bethany rules.

Report By Eliada Bujiku ( Tanzanian team member)