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Exchange Rate £1 = 2,062Tsh

Spending by the
Bethany Family in Tanzania


Admin, Faxes, email, photocopying, Phone cards,Postage, Insurance, licences etc.


New building work  and maintenance including roofing sheets


Childcare and Education/Fees needs + clothes and shoes


Food for 125+ children + staff and volunteers


Fuel, Charcoal for cooking


Diesel for Land Rover, New Toyota Landcruiser and pumps


Mains Electricity




Petrol  and oil for pumps


Garage service and repair


Household materials


Misc including Transport


Wages, NSSF and Tax


Total Expenditure


What the above spending provides

  • All the living expenses for all the family ( accommodation, food, clothes etc)  Medical Expenses etc
  • Education for our children, school Fees, books, uniform etc.
  • The staff wages (management team plus 9 childcare workers, site/maintenance workers, cooks, night-watchmen etc.).
  • Running expenses, maintenance and repair for the Land Rover and Toyota Land Cruise, water pumps, diesel generators, filtration systems etc.etc.
  • Maintenance provision of the solar system used for the pumping and purification of the water supply.
    N.B. Please remember:
  • No UK paid staff
  • All UK volunteers are self funding
  • All administration in the UK is funded separately by special donation (usually funded by those doing the administration etc.)