Wendy Whitaker’s report on her first visit to Bethany April 2006


My time in Africa was spent amongst people who live life to the full.

Excellence brought a whole new meaning. Excellence is doing the best with what you have. It was certainly evident with the children and their carers at Bethany.

I watched children enjoying life with very little. With no local shop or money to buy things the children made toys themselves out of what they could find. For instance they made a tennis ball out of old socks, footballs out of old bags and string, cars from toothpaste boxes and bottle tops. There was never a moment that I heard a child saying they were bored or it’s not fair.

Everyone at Bethany was very hospitable. They shared everything they had and wanted to help wherever they could. I had the opportunity of spending a night in the older girls’ dormitory. It was a great experience. They made me feel welcome and wanted me to tell them stories about Jesus. I saw how they behaved behind closed doors and surprisingly there was no difference. They obviously looked out for each other. There was not a sad face in the dormitory, even the girls who were unwell smiled. Before the girls went to sleep they took it upon themselves to pray. The sound was amazing as all the girls prayed.

My biggest surprise was the food. I had gone with the idea that I was not going to eat well. What a mistake! The food was good and there was plenty.

Although I was only there for two weeks I know that the children will have benefited from the English that we taught them and from the use of the language on a day to day basis. I am looking forward to another visit.